I started a thread 4 years ago on this very subject. It took me a while to find it. Hope this is what you're looking for!
GB making their exit before the GT??
by stephenlettclownface indid i misinterpret something or read something wrong?.
did the gb say recently that they are to be dead or pulled out of earthly existence before the great tribulation?.
if so, can someone point me to jw literature or a thread on this topic?.
Mark Sanderson's ''ROCK STAR'' fake Gilead Graduation program experience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhttps://youtu.be/lkwl5frew08?si=qj_gvlhfc4bkspbh&t=91.
mark sanderson's fake and vivid imagination experience starts at the 1 minute 30 second mark:.
goes out with local brothers and sisters in door to door service.
Mark Sanderson's fake and vivid imagination experience starts at the 1 minute 30 second mark:
Goes out with local brothers and sisters in door to door service
A car with tinted windows stops near the field service group with Mark Sanderson
The brothers get in between the car and Mark Sanderson to protect him thinking he is in danger
The man in the car jumps out and asks if they are Jehovah's Witnesses, tells them he studied with Jehovah's Witnesses and asks them,'' Is that the man from JW Broadcasting?''
The man cannot believe it's ''rock star'' Mark Sanderson and donates money and promises he will attend the Regional Convention
All the gullible J-Dubs in the crowd laugh and eat up the fake experience.
Reddit thread re Oct 2024 WT with picture of window washer - Theme knocking people who Planned
by LongHairGal inthis thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?).
10 Later in life, some could think back and wonder whether they made the right decisions. Perhaps they decided to give up a promising career or a successful business in order to serve Jehovah more fully. Now time has passed, perhaps even decades. They may see acquaintances who pursued secular interests and who now enjoy apparent financial security. As a result, they may wonder: ‘Were the sacrifices I made for Jehovah worth it? Or did they cause me to miss other opportunities?’
Let's examine this photo a little closer, brought to you by the Watchtower Society!
This brother has his ''eyes on the prize.'' Instead of opening up his own business or a promising career ( which would give him a bigger income), he takes a menial job so he could attend all his weekly meetings, summer conventions and weekend field service activity.
He sacrifices financial security and retirement benefits for the false security promised by the Watchtower Society for a NEW PARADISE EARTH ( which will never come).
While the Watchtower Society build new complexes ( where they get free room and board, free medical care, living in rural, tree lined Lake settings), this brother will be on his own financially when he retires. He didn't sacrifice for Jehovah...he sacrificed everything for the dishonest Watchtower Society.
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
This is all a legal ploy in attempt for the Borg to look like a gentler religion.
Yes, all these changes are probably as a result of the JW lawyers advising them.
Question Box
● In view of our understanding of 2 John 9-11 as discussed in The Watchtower of August 1, 1974, would there ever be circumstances that would allow for a disfellowshipped person to attend a meeting held in a private home?
Generally speaking, disfellowshipped persons are not invited to meetings held in private homes. The Organization book (page 174) said: “A disfellowshipped person is not prohibited from attending meetings in the Kingdom Hall open to the general public as long as he conducts himself properly. None will greet him, of course, and he may not attend any meetings held in private homes.” This is true concerning those who are ‘pushing ahead’ and do not “remain in the teaching of the Christ.”
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | August 2024
Help for Those Who Are Removed From the Congregation
14 Does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation? Not necessarily. Certainly, we would not socialize with him. But Christians can use their Bible-trained conscience in deciding whether to invite a person who was removed from the congregation—perhaps a relative or someone they were close to previously—to attend a congregation meeting. What if he attends? In the past, we would not greet such a person. Here again, each Christian needs to use his Bible-trained conscience in this matter. Some may feel comfortable with greeting or welcoming the person to the meeting. However, we would not have an extended conversation or socialize with the individual.
The Watchtower lawyers are at it again. Relax the rules and regulations of the Watchtower Society so that they can show government authorities that they are not an extreme religion and not loose their religious funding.
After relaxing the dress code for men ( no suits and ties ), woman can now wear slacks, members do not need to fill out a Field Service Report and men can grow beards.
Now the Watchtower Society have decided ( exactually the lawyers ) that if your Bible-trained conscience allows it, you can greet or welcome a disfellowshipped at a Kingdom Hall meeting.
'' IN THE PAST, WE WOULD NOT GREET SUCH A PERSON.'' What a long way the Watchtower Society has come from the days a disfellowshipped person walked in the last second, sat in the back row of the Kingdom Hall and left as soon as the prayer ended.
All these new changes are not ''Bible-trained conscience matters'', nor ''praying to Jehovah for new light'', but financial matters set by Watchtower lawyers.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | September 2024
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2024. enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.
9 though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate jehovah’s generous use of power.
we cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others.
There must be thousands of people like this in congregations - all needing assistance til they die..
I know an elderly couple from my old congregation that had to sell their home and move to an assisted living apartments. After using up all their profits from the sale of their home and using their pensions for living in their units, they do not have enough money to stay. Now, they have no choice but to live in a State Facility ( paid by the tax payers). I'm sure the units and care will be not up to par as a private facility.
I don’t see any social programs in the religion to help, do you?
The only social program the Society have are multi-million $$$$ facilities for themselves in beautiful tree lined Lake settings.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | September 2024
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2024. enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.
9 though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate jehovah’s generous use of power.
we cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | September 2024
Enjoy the Greater Happiness That Comes From Giving
9 Though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate Jehovah’s generous use of power. We cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others. But we can use our power in their behalf. For example, we might run errands or do household chores for an elderly or infirm Christian. If our circumstances permit, we could volunteer to help with the cleaning and the maintenance of the Kingdom Hall. Our use of power in such ways benefits others who worship Jehovah.
14 When we are generous, especially toward our brothers and sisters, they often express appreciation in return. They may send a thank-you note or express their gratitude in another way. (Col. 3:15) Receiving such expressions of appreciation adds to our happiness.We read many times the parable of 'The Good Samaritan' that Jesus taught. The Watchtower Society have never put this parable into practice. The Watchtower Society have always acted like the priest and the Levite (who passed by the victim who needed help because he was not one of their own).
This study edition shows the Watchtower's true colors...help elderly or infirm Christians ( meaning a Jehovah's Witness), clean and maintain Kingdom Halls, help others who worship Jehovah and be generous towards 'our brothers and sisters'.
The Watchtower Society never mention helping anyone besides their own members. Kingdom Hall maintenance and Kingdom interests always have more priorities than assisting poor people, widows, homeless, orphans and the handicapped.
Yesterday's Public Talk: '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy brother ( an elder ) calls me every time he's assigned a public talk.
he believes listening to zoom meetings is a great start, to eventually attending in-person meetings.
the talk is titled : '' reject worldly fantasies, pursue kingdom realities.
My brother ( an elder ) calls me every time he's assigned a Public Talk. He believes listening to Zoom meetings is a great start, to eventually attending in-person meetings.
The talk is titled : '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities.'' Already, I'm turned off by the word ''worldly.'' I married an unbeliever 30 years ago and always hated that ''weasel'' word.
There are at least 20 members on the Zoom meeting with their cameras turned off. Several members (with their cameras turned on) are dozing off. ( It's only 10: a.m.??? )
The talk is about the dangers of ''Worldly Fantasies'' such as reading books and magazines, watching television, watching and attending sporting events. The only pursuits should be Kingdom Realities... attending meetings, reading the Bible and Preaching the Good News.
A photo of beautiful Niagara Falls was shown. Beauty has its own danger. The ''Falls'' have multiple DANGER signs if you get too close to the edge. Pursuing ''Worldly Fantasies'' is even more dangerous. You will loose your life if you don't pursue Jehovah.
How anyone can sit through these Public Talks is beyond me!
My latest letter to the WT organization
by Kosonen inmay 14, 2024. hello brothers at the writing committee.
many brothers and sisters are wondering when will the end come?
we were supposed to live in the last days of the last days as brother lett told a couple of years ago.
I think Kosonen is the ''new'' Robert (Watchman) King. He thinks that he understands and can translate the ''deeper understandings of the Bible.'' Once you take off your ''rose colored'' glasses, you will understand that the Bible is nothing but fictional stories. Research the fictional story of Noah and the flood (where God saves only his family and wipes out all creation because of wickedness...only for wickedness to return 0ne thousand fold)
Governing body giving false alarm as a watch dog
by Longlivetherenegades ini need help regarding a video where geoffrey jackson likened the governing body to a watch dog given false alarms to its owner just like they do regarding numerous false alarms about the world coming to an end.
here is why i need that video.
to make comparison with the words of geoffrey jackson (the false dog illustration) fully, the words of gerrit losch (who was reading out list of those who had given false predictions and alarms in times past before jehovah’s witnesses took over) .